The Life Of A Pimple...
From inception, this sneaky bacteria filled enemy is waiting patiently to make one heck of a debut!
Dear Pimples-If you're going to live on my face, I need to see some rent.
When, how, and why?
A true pimple/acne takes 3 to 6 months to form according to Roccoco Botanicals, and takes just as long to clear that pesky unwanted creature. It begins with a microcomedone which is invisible to the naked eye. Microcomedones develop into a pimple, blackhead, or a whitehead. Take heart, you can begin to clear surface acne within two weeks, and please don't be discouraged, while you are clearing, you may continue to breakout. This is normal, remember how long those little buggers were brewing before they popped up to the surface! If this snowball of acne is going on longer than you are comfortable with, then it's time to re-evaluate your skin care products, nutrition and hormonal factors. (I can help with that!)
Please contact me directly to schedule an appointment 732-691-6922.
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