Celluma LED Light Therapy for Beautiful Skin

Celluma LED Light Therapy offers the ability to harness the power of light to fight both acne and the effects of sun and aging on the skin.
Celluma Pro LED light therapy, at Lisa Sean Advanced Skin Care
So what is low-level light therapy?
Used by NASA to help astronauts cope with pain and discomfort while on long space flights, and used by physicians for years as an alternative method of pain relief, Celluma LED Light Therapy offers the ability to harness the power of light to fight both acne and the effects of sun and aging on the skin. The treatment is non-invasive, painless, requires no recovery time, and can be used on all skin types.
How do I achieve these wonderful benefits?
At Lisa Sean Advanced Skin Care I offer series options that help you to achieve your desired results. Anti-aging/Skin Rejuvenation Series is a 2x a week, 4-5 week commitment. Acne Healing Series is a 2x a week, 4-6 week commitment. Each treatment comes with full cleanse, 30 minutes of LED, and application of finishing products. Once the series is completed we will reassess and set you up for monthly maintenance. It's that simple!
Please contact me directly to schedule an appointment 732-691-6922.
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